Solve Food Waste Once and for All

Compost your food waste with us. Prevent food waste from entering landfills and emitting harmful greenhouse gasses!

Express Interest (non binding)


Reduce your co2 emissions by 1000 lbs!!!! The equivalent of 21 mature trees!

Help us start a movement to implement composting for every household nationwide and solve food waste once and for all!

Our Partners

Red = Our household partners in reducing food waste(signed up in person)
Yellow = Our household partners in reducing food waste(signed up online)
Blue = Our restaurant partners, providing exclusive discounts to our households!
Black = Our drop off location.

Impact Report

Total Co2 Reduced: 6.8k lbs

Most households think they don't have food waste. We certainly thought we didn't, BUT :) On average we compost 5+ lbs of food waste for each our households each week!!!

Join the movement. Sign up NOW!

Meals Provided: 0 meals

1 in 6 children and 1 in 8 adults in the US don't have consistent access to food. By donating your composting fee to our partner food rescue organization, we hope to change that and provide nutritious meals to those in need!

Sign up & Help us Help YOUR community.

Food Waste Pickup Plans

All bi-weekly food waste pickups.
All dropped off and turned into fertilizer and biogas at Trenton Renewables.
All provided with 1 5-gallon bucket and 40 compostable bags for free.



Fight Climate Change

Join Us

Base Plan: Free bi-weekly food waste pickups.



Fight Climate Change & Save Money!

Join Us

Cost: $5/pickup => $10/month
Additional Impact: SAVE MONEY & support local businesses Receive free products and discounts from our partner restaurants, and coming soon grocery stores & your favorite businesses!



Fight Climate Change & Help Your Community

Join Us

Cost: $8/pickup, $16/month
Additional Impact:  Provide nutritious meals to those in your community that lack consistent access to food. (we donate your subscription fee to our partner food rescue organizations!)
IN ADDITION to Torus Pro impact!