The Problem

Food waste produces 4% of US emissions.

NJ food waste emits 4 million tons of Co2/year.

Composting can reduce that.

Government inefficiency + high service costs prevents statewide residential composting.

Cheaper prices are needed to truly implement statewide composting.

The Solution

We Provide The CHEAPEST Composting Service to AS MANY PEOPLE as Possible

Our service, starting in Central NJ, will spread throughout the state to provide accessibly priced composting for all. Since Spring '24, TORUS has been composting food waste for residents and organizations  in NJ, transporting over 90,000lbs of waste and preventing over 400K+ lbs of CO2eq emissions.


Bucket Dropoff

Sign up on our google form. If you're in our service area, we'll reach out and drop off a bucket in the next couple days.

Free Pickups

Leave your buckets out by the curb every other week for the waste inside to be collected by our driver. It will be brought to Trenton Renewables and turned into biogas!

TORUS Community

Meet other community members. Read newsletters on green tech and movements. Swap out home goods for green products using exclusive TORUS Community discounts.

Service Area

250 houses, 3 commercial locations across 16 townships.


Residential Service

This is TORUS's main time expenditure. All other projects below are in service of this. Bi-weekly food waste pickups at an accessible cost to service all unwilling or unable to pay significantly to compost.

West Windsor Proposal

In Progress: TORUS, led by CFO Anthony Woo, advised by West Windsor Councilman Daniel Weiss is drafting a municipal proposal to establish a food waste drop-off location to be used by residents.

Canal Walk HOA

In Progress: We're working with the Canal Walk HOA and Franklin Township Environmental commission to explore  servicing their residents. Success of this experiment would greatly increase the household density of our northern service area and mark a viable business model for future expansion.

NJ Composting Council Grants

In Progress: TORUS has joined the NJ Composting Council. Working closely with the President Jairo and Vice President Matthew, we're applying to grants and other funding sources to expand TORUS's service area.